We’ve Missed You!

momma giving her daughter a kiss, both are wearing bandanas

Hello, günamüna fam!

We've lost some sleep not being able to see our gunalove on Instagram and hope you feel the same! We would like to update you on a few things:

First, our Instagram account was hacked. On May 18th, someone hacked our account and disabled it. The hacker reached out to our owner and demanded money back for it. Instead, we created a new account! The compromised Instagram is up and running now, but that is NOT us (@gunamuna_yasokeeee).

Now more than ever we would love (& NEED) your support. Please follow our new account, @gunamuna. Yes, the same username as before!

Your continued love means the world. Please follow, like, and show your guna love in the comments... and keep your eyes peeled for some fun surprises that'll be coming your way, including giveaways 👀! 

No shhh on this.. tell ALL your friends!! 

We appreciate your support and loyalty! Our guna family is truly the best ❤. 

sweet dreams, 

your günamüna team